the hype of koreanovelas...jel
no matter what.....mike
fashion fades but style is eternal....renddy
labsyah choy....ella
campus journalism dead?.....analou
press freedom koh....melford
giving you letter..almex
i apu ku...rona
why is mike arroyo always linked to corruption...joyce
upcoming vacation...archie
look on its brighter side....kathlyn
the sudden change of uniform at AUF...fridiane
learn to glide...gean
summer splash..spring
22 secrets beautiful women know..michelle
proclamation rally in pampanga..kay ann
Monday, March 26, 2007
Sa Wakas...
Mraming mrami akong natutunan sa mga colloquim nten...at natutuwa rin ako na tapos na ang lahat kasi ang dami na nating dinanas na pagod at hirap but still we manage to hold on and act!
I suggest that next time there will still be more colloquim to come!!!!
I suggest that next time there will still be more colloquim to come!!!!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Politics and Police men
To be honest with you, I did not listen that well to our speakers because I was not feeling well and I find them not that ready based from their answers to my classmates' and hosts' questions.
All I rememberd was that they only do what is right and they are willing to serve their people as long as they can which is I do not believe!
All I rememberd was that they only do what is right and they are willing to serve their people as long as they can which is I do not believe!
Music, Fashion, Sports, Beauty, Business
From this colloquia, we had so many guest speakers!..we had very beautiful, athletic, Lasalista, Skolar ng Bayan, Fashionista and Gay!...joke!..
Actually I was one of the hosts and my partner is Gean!..at first, I do not know how to entertain my guest because that was the first time I hosted a colloquia. All of those topics had strucked me because they shared the things I really want to know. For example in Beauty, our speaker told us that we just sleep a lot to become beautiful. Next in Sports, the speakee told us about TAICHI and me and my classmates got interested with it. Following is the business men that shared us their secrets how to put up a business and all of them did it so well!
Actually I was one of the hosts and my partner is Gean!..at first, I do not know how to entertain my guest because that was the first time I hosted a colloquia. All of those topics had strucked me because they shared the things I really want to know. For example in Beauty, our speaker told us that we just sleep a lot to become beautiful. Next in Sports, the speakee told us about TAICHI and me and my classmates got interested with it. Following is the business men that shared us their secrets how to put up a business and all of them did it so well!
Injection here I go.....
Who among you are not afraid of the injection?Tell me honestly!..I am one of you who is not afraid of an injection sometimes done by a doctor, nurse and even a medical technologist!..
Last week we had a guest speaker who is a medical technologist from Angeles University Foundation Medical Center..She shared to us on how she became a medical technologist and her trials before she successfully made it!
My classmates even I asked so many questions to her like where in the part of our body is the most safe to inject?And so on and so fort....
I learned a lot from her!
Last week we had a guest speaker who is a medical technologist from Angeles University Foundation Medical Center..She shared to us on how she became a medical technologist and her trials before she successfully made it!
My classmates even I asked so many questions to her like where in the part of our body is the most safe to inject?And so on and so fort....
I learned a lot from her!
Philosophy, Education, Poems
From these colloquim, what I learned from the speaker of Education is that it is very hard to be a teacher at the same time a mother especially if your student is also your daughter/son. She also told us how she became a teacher and how she deals with her students.
From the speaker of Philosophy, I learned that there are many philosophers who are against and pro to our God!..But then Mr. Jay Pajarillo enumerated mostly of those who do not believe in God. Even if there is existing such belief, I still believe in God, I still love him, I still want to dedicate my life for him!..
Lastly, the speaker who talked about poems, I felt a little bit weird to him..He is a friend of our classmates. The way he talked to us that time made me think that sometimes because of the intelligence a person acquires, that person tends to be weird, unusual but not ABNORMAL!
All in all, honestly, I learned so many realizations from them!
From the speaker of Philosophy, I learned that there are many philosophers who are against and pro to our God!..But then Mr. Jay Pajarillo enumerated mostly of those who do not believe in God. Even if there is existing such belief, I still believe in God, I still love him, I still want to dedicate my life for him!..
Lastly, the speaker who talked about poems, I felt a little bit weird to him..He is a friend of our classmates. The way he talked to us that time made me think that sometimes because of the intelligence a person acquires, that person tends to be weird, unusual but not ABNORMAL!
All in all, honestly, I learned so many realizations from them!
Campus Journalism?Big No!No!
Hearing from the different Editor in chief of the different Colleges at Angeles University Foundation,I still do not believe that there is Campus Journalism in this University.Why?because the administration even if it was denied by the editor in chief and the adviser of the University paper,the administration manipulates all the articles to be publish to the students!
I also do not believe that we the students really have the freedom to write all what is the truth even it will have a negative impact on our school if and only if we have the bravery in ourselves and that we can comply with the consequences??that is a big NO!NO! The students are afraid enough to do that because they know that the school will use its powers to expel or to punish the student even if the student is telling the truth!
If I will be given the chance to chose what University I am going to enroll in, I will chose the University of the Philippines!!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Team Unity
I was vey excited when I found out that our class, ABMC3, will be attending the Proclamation Rally of Team Unity, Senatorial candidates of the Administation. It was late for me when our teacher told me that I should wear a white top with collar but I was wearing a blue polo shirt. Because of that, I came back in my dormitory to change. After a while, I arrived at school exactly 11 o'clock in the morning. My classmates and I waited for the bus at the front gate. Suddenly, a teacher interrupted us many times. This was why we left the school very late.
When we arrived at the Convention Center in San Fernando, there were so many people outside the Convention Center and the heat of the sun was extremely hot! Ms Gwen told us that we can't afford to stay because of those reasons but our teacher, Mrs. Virgie Bautista, insisted that we should see the Porclamation Rally. We followed our teacher but we had experience again a stampede like event while we were trying to enter in the Convention Center. There were so many different types of people inside and they were all shouting for their candidates. I saw all the twelve Senatorial candidates of the Administration. All of them have their own projects and promises to all the people and I wish they will fulfill all of those promises.
Each member of the Team Unity said to the people inside the Convention Center," Nasa Puso ko ang Pampangga!"
After an hour, the Chancellor of our school called Ms Gwen to tell us that we really have to back at the school befote 4 o'clock in the afternoon and so we did.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Februaristic Month!!!!!!
Yes! at last we finished our preparation for the Vj hunt. AbMC3 gave their blood and sweat for this annual event at Angeles University Foundation. Because of our goal to make this year's Vj Hunt, we united, supported and helped each other for us to achieve it! ABMC3 really worked hard for the props and we are so thankful to each other's concepts and ideas for the success of this event. Especially we thank Mariane Cruz for the stage design and for the concept of our theme this Vj Hunt. Personally, from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank my classmates namely Kay Ann Bonus for my accessories and my skirt, Vanessa Comeo for my sandals, Jel Marquez for my earings, Mariane Cruz for my leggings, and to all ABMC3 for their trust to me that I can be an effective host namely Ella Enriquez, Mary Manalastas, Jel Marquez, Renndy Rodriguez, Kay Bonus, Mic Martin, Ann De Luna, Spring Gozum, Mariane Cruz, Tinay Pangan, Gean Mendoza, Vanessa Comeo, Mike Tiotuico, RV Verana, Rona Marzan, Joyce Matitu, Archie Sanggalang and Kathlyn Samson. Thank you so much guys for believing in me! We achieved our goal and we made this Vj Hunt the best ever produced at AUF!!!!Congratulations to all of us! I am sorry if I forgot to thank you yesterday while the event was going on but then from the bottom of my heart, I am really thankful to all of you!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!Y
Everything changes.....
First impressions do not really last!!!!!I have proven these impressions when I became part of the Mass Communication students batch 2004. When I first saw and be with them, I thought they were not friendly, approachable and kind. I thought they were hard to please, snobbish, backfighters, plastics, not easy to be friend. But as time pass by, I became to know them better and deeper. They were not the type of persons I thought them to be. Yes!I was wrong! I was really amazed and thankful that one day God changed our class into a FAMILY! Yes! I really feel this way right now and I am so happy to be part of ABMC3!!If others do not feel and think the same way I am feeling right now, it is time for them to change what is wrong with them for them to feel and think so. I believe it is because of each and everyone of us who made our class very united, attached and close. I love ABMC3!!!!!
Questionable storyboard.......
Last January 7 some of the ABMC 3 students decided to meet at the aunt's house of their classmate Gean to make their storyboard. While they were thinking of their concepts, they waited until 12am to greet Gean a Happy Birthday!!! They were all happy and worked hard for their storyboard. The students had a brainstorming on how they will make their storyboard. They finished at 5 in the morning of January 9. They were all happy that they already finished making their storyboard at the same time they celebrated Gean's birthday. When their original tv production teacher arrived, the students found out from their president, Michael Tiotuico, that their original teacher did not accept their storyboard because according to their teacher it was already 2 weeks delayed but then the students believed that it was really not their fault and that they do not deserve to get zero in their prelim exam. The ABMC3 really worked hard for that storyboard and it is not reasonable for them to get zero because of the miscommunication of the subteacher and the original teacher. All of them are aiming and striving hard to get high grades and some of them are maintaining their grades for them to have College scholarship next semester.
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Philippine Daily Inquirer is undeniably the country’s most widely read and circulated newspaper. With over 2.7 million nationwide readers daily, it enjoys a market share of over 50% and tops the readership surveys. Not only is it the most read among all sectors and ages, it is also the country’s most trusted source of hard-hitting news and countless exposés. Distinguished by award-giving bodies like the Catholic Mass Media Awards, Jaime Ongpin Awards for Investigative Journalism and Anvil Awards, it is the Philippines’ most awarded broadsheet with over 200 awards and citations.With four regional bureaus, over 130 provincial correspondents nationwide and four printing presses in Cebu, Davao, Laguna and Manila, Inquirer delivers news to the provinces faster and more effectively than its competitors. It’s website, www.Inq7.net, is ranked among the world’s most visited news sites, averaging one million page views a day. For almost 20 years, the Inquirer has been reaping the rewards of its hard work. AC Nielsen, Asia Research Organization and Newspaper Dealers’ Association surveys say Inquirer tops readership and sales. It is also the most innovative broadsheet with special niche sections for the youth, children, culture, society and even golf enthusiasts. Its latest publication, a free paper aptly called Inquirer Libre, won two Gold Quill Awards of Excellence and is currently making in-roads in developing readership among the masses. Besides being the country’s leading journalistic voice, the Inquirer is also strongly committed to social responsibility and has taken an active role in various socio-civic programs. Its business savvy and social conscience have been recognized with the Agora Award for Outstanding Marketing Company of the Year in 1998, Anvil Award of Merit for its participation in Tabang Mindanaw and Gold Quill Award of Excellence for Economic, Social and Environmental Development in 2003. It is also the most environmentally friendly newspaper in the country, being the first local newspaper to use organic soy-based ink, 100% recycled newsprint and a resizing of the paper saving seven trees a day. It won a special citation from the Catholic Mass Media Awards for its environmental initiatives and a Gold Quill Award of Excellence for its youth readership program.Its meaningful goal of making a difference in the everyday life of Filipinos continues to be the driving force behind its journalistic and corporate initiatives. As the country’s no. 1 newspaper, the Philippine Daily Inquirer will remain steadfast in its commitment to bring “Balanced news, fearless views” to readers when and where it matters.
Inquirer.net is more than just a news website, Inquirer.net houses special sites targeting specific audiences and providing customized services.
YOU is Inquirer's website for today's interactive youth, features user-generated content and addresses the specific concerns and interests of the Filipino youth.
Global Nation is the virtual Home away from home of the overseas Filipino community.
Roadtrip is Inquirer.net's online guide for motorists and travelers.
marketplace, an e-commerce site for both businesses and individuals in the Philippines and the US, hosts the sections iShopping and iProperties.
JobMarket Online offers job seekers easy access to the latest job openings from the top 1,000 corporations, as well as presents employers with a wide range of applicants' resumes to evaluate and select.
hackenslash is the gaming news site for the Filipino gamer; contains tips, news, and reviews of the latest and hottest games in the market.
Property Guide, Inquirer.net's Real Estate supplement, contains relevant info and tips on homeownership, home design, and real estate development.
mind&body provides tips, news, and information on health and beauty.
YOU is Inquirer's website for today's interactive youth, features user-generated content and addresses the specific concerns and interests of the Filipino youth.
Global Nation is the virtual Home away from home of the overseas Filipino community.
Roadtrip is Inquirer.net's online guide for motorists and travelers.
marketplace, an e-commerce site for both businesses and individuals in the Philippines and the US, hosts the sections iShopping and iProperties.
JobMarket Online offers job seekers easy access to the latest job openings from the top 1,000 corporations, as well as presents employers with a wide range of applicants' resumes to evaluate and select.
hackenslash is the gaming news site for the Filipino gamer; contains tips, news, and reviews of the latest and hottest games in the market.
Property Guide, Inquirer.net's Real Estate supplement, contains relevant info and tips on homeownership, home design, and real estate development.
mind&body provides tips, news, and information on health and beauty.
The Morning Call is a general circulation newspaper providing in-depth coverage of Pennsylvania State and the metro-Allentown area. Emphasis is on the steel and cement industries, as well as other local businesses, sports, and the arts. Large local companies include Bethlehem Steel, Air Products and Chemicals, ALPO Pet Foods, Mack Trucks, Rodale Press, and Union Pacific.
Subject Coverage of Morning Call
Arts & Entertainment
Full Text News Stories
Letters to the Editor
Wire Stories
Subject Coverage of Morning Call
Arts & Entertainment
Full Text News Stories
Letters to the Editor
Wire Stories
The Critic, an Allentown newspaper founded in 1883, was the direct ancestor of The Morning Call. The editor, owner and chief reporter of the Critic was Samuel S. Woolever. In 1894 Muhlenberg College senior David A. Miller went to work for the Critic as its sole reporter. Its owners at that point were Charles Weiser, editor, and Kirt W. DeBelle, business manager. Later that year the newspaper ran a contest. A school boy or girl in Lehigh County would receive $5 in gold if he or she could guess the publication's new name. The identity of the lucky winner is lost to history, but on Jan. 1, 1895, Allentown City Treasurer A.L. Reichenbach, who had supervised the contest, read out the new name: "The Morning Call."
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Mike Arroyo corrupt, said Lacson

I agree that First Gentleman Mike Aroyo is corrupt because opposition Senator Panfilo Lacson, during his privilege speech in the Senate, linked First Gentleman Jose Miguel Arroyo to many untold stories of corruption in the government wherein proceeds of anomalous contracts and projects are allegedly personally delivered to him. According to Lacson, Atty. Arroyo is allegedly receiving from different government and private agencies money that would probably be used as campaign fund in the next elections. Senator Panfilo Lacson stated a fact: Corruption thrives and enjoys incredible and unprecedented growth in the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo government. Lacson all heard about the telecommunications scam, the PCSO anomaly, the jueteng scandal, Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard, rice smuggling and many more stories of corruption and shady deals. Lacson also said he would have another chapter of bombshells against the First Gentleman in the next sessions. He said what he revealed was just "chapter one" of his story and that two or three more chapters are forthcoming. These things are already a clear statements that Mike Arroyo is corrupt and these are only part of his immoral doings. The senator revealed that the office of Atty. Arroyo at No. 118 Perea Street, Legaspi Village, Makati is the second most powerful place in the country next to Malacañang where incredible deals are cooked and sinister schemes plotted. Lacson said that the LTA building - home to 'what-are-we-in-power-for' people. That place is a money machine where government deals are hatched and fortunes amassed. The senator also enumerated the names of people who allegedly bring or deliver millions to the First Gentleman, among them, Ephraim Genuino, chairman of Pagcor; Edgar Manda, general manager of NAIA; Jocelyn Joc-joc Bolante, DA undersecretary; Ernest Villareal, chair of the Public Estates Authority; Rey Nadal, from SBMA; Virgilo Angelo, administrator of Owwa; Alfonso Cusi, of the Philippine Ports Authority; Teddy Cruz of the Light Rail Transit Authority; Ramon Tulfo, columnist; Alex Magno, political analyst; Marissa Bondoc, media personality; Ronaldo Puno, politician; Vic Padilla, handler of Angelo Mawanay; Victor Corpus, former ISAFP chief and Mary Ong, former agent of the PNP. Lacson said based on the intelligence reports gathered by his group, the First Gentlemen has received at least P312 million in contributions from supporters and favor seekers. He added the sources of the campaign funds are from a long list of private individuals and groups. In addition, Lacson said Atty. Arroyo has used a certain foundation and a bank account in the name of "Jose Pidal" to keep the money and conceal his involvement. The Senate leadership ruled that the Senate committee on rules will decide which group should investigate Lacson's revelations. Lacson has suggested that the Senate committee on constitutional amendments and revisions of codes and laws should look into this but some senators pointed out that the blue ribbon must handle the matter. The statements here were clearly posted at www.yahoo.com. I conclude that First Gentleman Mike Arroyo is really doing immoral acts in the government based on the statements of Senator Panfilo Lacson.
Lazy stuffs...
What I feel right now is that I am tired of everything. I want to finish my studies immediately because I am tired of the assignments, projects and all the requirements my teachers are asking us to do. Sometimes, I wish that I will not anymore worry about the deadlines. Honestly, I cannot sleep well at night if I worry about something that to be pass on that day. I am not lazy but I just hope that when it comes to all those things required in school, we can pass whenever we want to pass.
Perhaps, I just want to graduate already. This is why I want the day to pass faster.
VJ Hunt's Host....
President of Samahan ng mga Mag-aaral sa Komunikasyon (SAMASKOM), Gean Nazer Mendoza, has chosen me, Crisanta M. Mendoza to be one of the hosts of Vj Hunt. I was not that excited and happy to hear that from Gean because what I felt right away was nervousness. If I will be one of the hosts of Vj Hunt, that will be my first time to host an event. This is why I do not know how to handle this thing but Gean and my classmates told me that I can do it because of my performance as a Nurse at the play "Romeo and Juliet". They told me that I am funny this is why I am fitted as a host and that I can entertain the audience well. But still despite their encouragements, I am still afraid to do it. I do not want to disappoint my classmates' expectations, Ma'am Virgie and the audience. So help me God!
On SaRaH...
Last week I've watched the concert of Sarah Geronimo titled, "The Other Side". I was so amazed with Sarah! I adolize her more after I've watched that concert on tv. She sung very well especially the songs of Michael Jackson, Thalia, Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. Sarah had a duet with my former idol, Regine Velasquez. They were amazing and they both have powerful voices! While I was watchng Sarh's concert, I was telling myself that I wish and I hope that one day I could follow her footsteps and that I will also be able to have a concert at Araneta Coliseum.
When I was grade school student, that was the time I discover my talent in singing because of Regine Velasquez. I started to have a passion in singing. Then, when Sarah Geronimo came in the music industry, she became my idol. When I am singing, I always imitate Sarah's voice. This is why my favorite songs are Sarah Geronimo's Songs!
Other reason why I idolize her is because of her attitude. She is a very humble person even if she is very famous right now. She always keeps her feet on the ground and she does not stop answering "PO" and "OPO" to her elders. Sarah will forever be my idol!
The ABMC-3 has been very busy since the opening of classes this 2007. They have a lot of requirements to pass this week.They also have been planning what they are going to present for the coming VJ Hunt. Before that, the ABMC-3 prepared for their booth for the campus open. They gathered all the things they did for the past three years. They showed their pictures in their theater arts production titled "Romeo and Juliet". ABMC-3 also showed their advertising commercials and tarpolins. Each of them has a task to do. Some of them interviewed respective people at each booth to market what is in stored in their booth. Some had their face painted at International Affairs booth.
Even though ABMC-3 felt there is someone missing on that time, who is their long-time teacher, Mrs. Virginia Bautista, they still gave their best during the Campus Open. Actually, I am Part of the ABMC-3 family. I am proud and happy being part of this group! We are now closer and attached to each other unlike before. We will prove to our parents and our teachers that we can be proud for!
Even though ABMC-3 felt there is someone missing on that time, who is their long-time teacher, Mrs. Virginia Bautista, they still gave their best during the Campus Open. Actually, I am Part of the ABMC-3 family. I am proud and happy being part of this group! We are now closer and attached to each other unlike before. We will prove to our parents and our teachers that we can be proud for!
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